
Brilliant Ballybunion

Brilliant Ballybunion Brilliant Ballybunion is an exciting new project under the Creative Climate Action Fund. Over two years, the project is working with local community collaborators and the wider community to explore ways to grow food, protect nature and be creative, all at the same...

Farming for Nature

Farming for Nature Rena Blake & Lisa Fingleton are based just outside Ballybunion, North Kerry where they run a 8 hectare (20 ac) organic farm called The Barna Way. They focus mainly on organic horticulture, growing tomatoes, potatoes, salad leaves, apples and other fruit, in the...

The Barna Way

The Barna Way The Barna Way The Barna Way is an eco-social arts project organic farm and native woodland near Ballybunion Co Kerry co-ordintated by photographer Rena Blake and artist Lisa Fingleton. The house and lands are steeped in history, song and tradition. Both Rena’s mother...

The Local Food Project

The Local Food Project

The Local Food Project encourages people to eat and grow food in order to reduce carbon and restore biodiversity

The Creative Climate Wall

The Creative Climate Wall

The Future in is the Fields is a one hundred foot drawing by artist Lisa Fingleton reflecting farmers ideas for climate action. This project was commissioned by Creative Ireland and The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)